Tyre changer: an investment against economic crisis
Tyre changer: an investment against economic crisis

The prolonged recession in global economy leads to search for new forms of "investment", capable of maximizing revenue and minimizing risk. Leaving aside traditional economic/banking instruments and the evergreen "real estate" investment, a simple evaluation of data provided by international statistics agencies leads to a new topic consideration: the tire changer.

The world vehicle population (passenger cars, light commercial vehicles, trucks and buses) surpassed the 1 billion-unit in 2010 for the first time ever (there were "only" 250 million motor vehicles in 1970): that is to say, one car every 6,75 persons (data source: Ward's Auto).

Over $22,000 billion worth of goods and services were exported around the world in 2011 (equivalent to 28% of world's GDP). Goods were moved from their own production places to consumer markets, by sea, air, roads and rails. A percentage analysis of popularity for each different method of transportation reveals that road transportation is the predominant solution for European Union and Japan, while it is at second place in USA and Russia (after railroad transportation), as well as in China (after internal navigation). So, the importance of road transportation system is quite clear.

According to Italian Autopromotec Observatory, predominance of road transportation all over Europe (96,6% of total goods transported in Spain, 91% in Italy, 86,7% in Great Britain, 81% in France, 67,7% in Germany, according to EuroStat data) is mostly due to the fact that, compared to other transportation ways, delivery of goods through road system continues to ensure the greatest flexibility, not being bound to fixed schedules and times.

Current sales drop in the automotive market figures does not reduce total worldwide vehicle fleet which, on the contrary, increases the total number of units, though getting "older". Heavy vehicles sales, instead, have shown positive trends (In 2011, 19.78 million commercial and industrial vehicles were produced worldwide, data source: OICA).

Any vehicle, either passenger car or truck, either old or new, has at least four tyres which are subject to wear, due to friction between road surface and tyre. Moreover, National and International regulations, which in various countries impose mandatory use of winter tyres during the colder season, add at least two tyre replacements a year, further than the regular tyre replacement due to wear. This operation can be performed only with a professional tool: the tyre changer.

Due to all the above information, tyre-changer is an important investment which can guarantee to tyre specialist a solid "return-on-investment". The choice must be done wisely, in order to acquire a product with a good quality/price ratio in accordance with your needs, and with needs of your customers.

In such a context, GIULIANO INDUSTRIAL, with almost 40 years of experience in the automotive industry and its wide range of tyre changer models, can satisfy every need (vehicle, technology, price) and represents a privileged choice and a guarantee for customers/operators who want to invest in a profitable product for their future, and wants to place such a future in safe hands.