On February 24th, during AMR Beijing Show, Auto Repair & Maintenance, prestigious magazine for the automotive sector, has entitled tire changer Giuliano Crossage Evo as Twenty Top Tools 2014 prize winner.
After testing several tire changers on the field, a jury of experts, dealers, trainers and end-users has preferred our model among the different options offered by other manufacturers.
The award, already won in 2011 by our other tire changer model Crossage, is assigned to tools and equipment outstanding for their exclusiveness, utility and innovation. The peculiar features of the jury, made of professionals only, makes this award even more important for those who, like us, have always got customer satisfaction as primary goal, supporting those who, since almost 40 years, have been choosing Giuliano as a qualified and reliable partner for their business.
Crossage EVO, thanks to the exclusive and patented QX and SMART LOCK systems, eliminates the use of traditional tire lever and allows tire clamping in just 2 seconds.
Giuliano's R&D is always looking for solutions simplifying activity and efforts for users of our products.
Such honors as Twenty Top Tools Prize, granted to our company along these years, testify how our creativity, inventiveness and passion receive positive daily feedback "on the field".